Friday, May 15, 2009

had to go see kyle parker/ infinite body at a place. i think it was iowa. didn't want to miss him. lucky dragons played too. someone else was headlining. was at some place, and was waiting for a friend to get ready to go. was trying to use my cell phone to call kyle to see when he played, but for some reason i couldn't use my cell phone. i think mike sliff was there, maybe, to tell me kyle's number. i saw luke, he said kyle played, but then he wasn't sure. he miked bread and was playing that in a room where jamie chan was. i think i was watching the news, and youtube videos i made of exhibitions i was in were playing, and then i got excited. the news didn't play them b/c of me, but b/c of other things in the video, but it just so happened that it took place at my exhibition. i think caleb engstrom was there. maybe a different show, i don't know, scarnella was playing, but i opened the set playing on some little xylophone, then carla bozulich came out, then i left and nels cline came out. i think before that anp people were there: brendan folwer, aaron rose, ed tempelton. but i don't know. people were getting pushed around maybe. i don't know. jeff from rainbow blanket was walking, bob bruno was there.

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