Saturday, May 9, 2009

at one point PJ was driving, doing crazy things in the car. we could have died, but we didn't. i don't remember who else was there. there was a point where dana hoey was there. she made me sign a contract for a new work to make. she asked me about a show i was in, and i guess she wanted to see my piece, but she must have not known which one was mine. i think my piece was small. i think we met in this weird marsh like place, similar to the structure of the holocaust memorial in berlin, where you slowly get deeper into it, like you were going into the sea. but this was like low grass to tall grass, so you slowly go inside of grass until it covers your body and no one can see you from the outside. there were two restaurants - maybe one was breakfast - and one was mexican - i feel these two restaurants have appeared in other dreams. i think we tried to walk to one - it was a nice walk - going through a field, abandoned stuff, urban alleyways/ fields, etc... oh, i think i was look at jim morrison's wiki page or something - it talked about him being rob fisks' father. it described the scenario of how it happened.

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